2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


Conference "We network, we create opportunities!" The meeting of the cultural foundations of Girona

Conference "We network, we create opportunities!" The meeting of the cultural foundations of Girona
bonart banyoles - 10/03/23

Last March 7, the Culture Commission of the CCF organized in Banyoles the meeting "We network, we create opportunities! The meeting of the cultural foundations of Girona", an event that brought together 24 Girona foundations from various areas of the sector cultural, as well as representatives of the autonomous and local administration.

The event, organized at the facilities of the Lluís Coromina Foundation, had the participation of representatives of cultural foundations from many different fields, such as cinema, music, theatre, museums or literature, among others Attendees had the opportunity to meet other entities in the sector, be inspired by the projects presented and explore possible ways of collaboration.

Sara Pérez, manager of the Catalan Coordinator of Foundations, Ricard Planas, director of the Lluís Coromina Foundation, and Marta Esteve, director of the Carulla Foundation and member of the CCF Board of Directors, opened the event to welcome and explain the objectives and work dynamics.

During the first block of the meeting six foundations shared inspiring projects and the keys that have allowed them to promote them and achieve their goals. The second part of the day focused on the working tables "Challenges, barriers and proposed solutions", a format that encouraged teamwork and the exchange of knowledge with the aim of foundations sharing initiatives and resources , while exploring possible solutions to help them face their challenges.

The event was also attended by Josep Calatayud, Director of Culture in Girona of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and Miquel Cuenca, Councilor for Culture, Cultural Heritage and Festivals of the Banyoles City Council, who highlighted the importance of 'promote meetings like this and create a network between the cultural fabric of the territory, as well as the "irreplaceable role played by foundations in our country".

From the CCF and the Culture Commission we value very positively this first meeting of the cultural foundations of the province of Girona and it strengthens us in our goal of promoting collaboration between foundations in this area and in the purpose to position culture as a basic element for the development of people.

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